The Board of directors of the Gunawardhana Ayurveda Holdings (PVT) LTD including the Chairman Dr S.S. Gunawardhana and his son and Director Dr K.P.S Gunawardhana have decided to launch an Ayurvedic hospital expanding the current practice to accommodate more patients and to help the patients to properly start their treatments by providing them the much needed lodging and proper equipment.
Currently the hospital is under construction and expected to be inaugurated soon.The hospital will accommodate the patients with all heart diseases, diabetes, arthritis, hormonal disorders and kidney disease. The hospital will also provide proper panchakarma treatments for the patients along with Yoga and meditation programs to rejuvenate their bodies and minds alike.In parallel patients will also get the opportunity to channel the other Ayurvedic specialists in Sri Lanka providing treatments for several other diseases at the Ādhitya Ayurveda Hospital. Dr K.P.S Gunawardhana who has completed his medical training at the Gujrat Ayurved University in India is a specialist in panchakarma treatments apart from Sarwangaroga treatments, he will manage the hospital under the supervision of Ayurvedic specialist cardiologist Dr S.S Gunawardhana. Ādhitya hospital will also house the first private research centre in Sri Lanka for carrying out research on Ayurveda and indigenous medicine and the treatment methods. This will help improve the standards of the medicine and the reputation of Sri Lankan Ayurveda and Indigenous system of medicine popularizing it among the foreign patients looking for natural treatments for their ailments where the allopathy has no answers.